
MARGISTAR will run for 48 months and encompasses a wide range of activities. The table below presents the anticipated tasks organised per Working Group with anticipated reports deliverables (D) and milestones (MS).

Description of Tasks, Deliverables & Deadlines

Working Groups (WGs)Start MonthEnd MonthDuration (Months)Tasks, Milestones, & Deliverables
WG1: Collaboration & Marketing
W1.1: Setting up the online FAIRWAY in Europe platform155MS1
WG1.2: Identification of the most important stakeholder groups in each country and inviting them to engage in FAIRWAY in Europe 196MS2
WG1.3: Encouraging collaboration and networking in the FAIRWAY in Europe64842Task 1
WG1.4: Report on the lessons learned from integrating physical and virtual networking and co-creation tools (e.g. FAIRWAY). 32408D2
WG1.5: Preparing the FAIRWAY in Europe platform to be self-sustaining/applying for funding for its moderation after MARGISTAR40488MS8
WG2: Knowledge synthesis and co-creation with stakeholders
WG2.1 Knowledge synthesis and co-creation with local stakeholders on periphery traps, post-marginalised visions and creating a solution box via physical workshops in chosen locations and FAIRWAY in Europe 32421MS3
WG2.2 Delphi panel to elaborate results from TG2.1 with national and European policy makers and European and overseas experts, and midterm workshop with European policy makers. 24284MS4
WG2.3 Online citizen juries for public deliberation of the findings gained in TG2.1 and 2.2.28368Task 2
WG2.4 Reflecting the results of TG2.1–2.3 with mountain stakeholders.36426MS5
WG2.5 Analysing the results against the literature and quantitative simulations 154842Task 3
WG2.6 Final report and policy recommendations based on tasks 2.1–2.5364610D3
WG3: Capacity building and outreach
WG3.1 Communication, dissemination and outreach strategy166D1
WG3.2 Use of innovative online interaction methods (e.g. FAIRWAY in Europe) targeting science, policy, and society 14847Task 4
WG3.3 Societal outreach, knowledge sharing, and networking 14848Task 5
WG3.4 Setting up a Think Tank consisting of decision-makers and key stakeholders at European and national levels and arranging bi-annual online meetings with MARGISTAR experts. 64842Task 6
WG3.5 Facilitating STSMs 64842Task 7
WG3.6 Establishing consortia and applying research calls targeting marginalised areas 104232Task 8
WG3.7 Organising 3 training schools on the topics of TG2184830Task 9
WG3.8 Scientific dissemination: scientific papers, conference presentations 184830Task 10
WG3.9 Guest editing a Special Issue in a peer-reviewed journal on the topics of TG2. 364812MS7
WG3.10 Organisation of a final conference 44441MS6
WG3.11 Policy brief targeted at the EC, and workshop with EU policymakers44484D4