Case Catalogue
Case Catalogue
Submit your case by filling out the form below
MARGISTAR’s COST Action Working Group (WG) 2 has been tasked with identifying (1) periphery traps, (2) potential solutions, and (3) visions of post-marginalised futures in European mountainous areas by October2024. For this, WG2 will develop a case study catalogue and catalyse self-organised activities within the consortium.
To ensure full coverage, WG2 asks that each country participating in the MARGISTAR COST Action provides at least one case study using the template provided below. The case studies will be published on the MARGISTAR website and used as a basis for multi-authored peer reviewed journal papers.
The objective of the MARGISTAR case study catalogue is to cover European mountainous areas and their periphery traps, transition pathway opportunities, and visions for post-marginalised futures.
The deadline for submitting a case study via the below form is the next MARGISTAR General Assembly, which will take place in Dublin, Ireland, on April 17 and 18, 2024. Before this meeting, WG2 will conduct an initial analysis of the submitted cases and present these in Ireland. Their full analysis will be finalised before the end of MARGISTAR’s second grant period (31 October 2024).
Please answer the following questions to submit your case study. Please note that the template is extensive, so using the Word template (download here) first to answer the questions is advisable. Please also note that you should only answer questions relevant to your case study. Please see an example of a submitted case study form here.