MARGISTAR Vision Workshop
The MARGISTAR Vision Workshop (MVW) is designed to be the first of a series of workshops organised in summer/autumn 2024. The workshop is designed to assist those who live in marginalised mountainous areas across Europe to articulate a vision and design actionable pathways for sustaining and developing their community or area.

The MVW has been designed to help communities:

• Envision potential futures for their community, considering various scenarios and opportunities.

• Clearly articulate a shared vision for their community.

• Identify and agree on the current and future challenges that need to be addressed to realise their vision.

• Determine key actionable steps and strategies to overcome these challenges and achieve the envisioned future.

• Foster stakeholder engagement on community sustainability and (re)generation.

By articulating their vision, participants can contribute to identifying actionable next steps at a local, regional and national level for their communities and, through MARGISTAR, the development of other mountainous regions across Europe.


It is anticipated that the groups attending the workshop(s) will represent both the local community and their advocates, including politically engaged members. Stakeholders should encompass different segments of the community, including various age groups and the most vulnerable members or their representatives. Workshops will take place in several countries across Europe aided by MARGISTAR facilitators.

Anticipated Outputs

• A draft vision statement to guide a community’s regeneration activity.

• A PowerPoint slide presentation with stagewise recording of articulations by the workshop participants.

• Real-time/concurrent stagewise artifacts of participants’ workings.

• A summary of the workshop outputs

If you are planning on facilitating a workshop, please contact Dr Irene Christoforidi to request the workshop document at [email protected]. You can also join our dedicated MVW facilitator's group on MARGISTAR's FAIRWAY in Europe platform.